ࡱ>   bjbjr$r$ *No_No_y(N-N-N-N-N-b-b-b-8-d.b-tIh/V4(5555tg6$6HHHHHHH$KNIN-65566IN-N-55.I8886FN-5N-5H86H88V>@M?46j5? HDI0tIA? bOO7bOM?M?~bON-F66866666II8666tI6666bO666666666X ,:  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Department of Political Science PLSC 350-012: Politics of International Economic Relations Professor: Chris Hasselmann Class: MWF, 1:40-2:30 PM Mundelein Hall Room 503 Office Hours: MWF, noon-1:00 PM, and by appointment. Coffey Hall, Room 402 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hasselmannc@elmhurst.edu" chasselmann@luc.edu This course examines the politics behind international economic relations. The course explores the movement of three items across international borders: the movement of goods (trade), the movement of money (finance), and the movement of people (migration). The goal is for students to developed a better understanding for the issues, processes, and challenges faced in the area international economic relations. The intent is to not only help students become more informed consumers of the news and events of the day, but also to enable them to critically evaluate and understand these events in their own terms. Although this course will cover economic topics in some detail, it will not serve as a substitute for International Economics (ECON 323), International Monetary Relations (ECON 324), or any other course offered by the Economics department. While completion of these courses would benefit students in this course, no assumption is made about students knowledge of or experience with economics courses or subject matter. This course stresses the politics related to these issues rather than the economic concepts themselves. Policy on Technology in the Classroom There is a growing  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/22/business/laptops-not-during-lecture-or-meeting.html?" consensus that the use of laptops, tablets, and cellphones in the classroom by students is counterproductive. First, they distract others around you by forcing them to observe your screen rather than just the lecture and class going on around them. Second, too many screen users are watching soccer matches, checking in with Snapchat, and playing the occasional game of Solitaire. Third, the use of such tech turns users into transcription zombies rather than thinkers; you are better off rephrasing the concepts in your own words than trying to create a running, verbatim transcript. These findings have all been empirical demonstrated. One of the earliest studies, the Laptop and the Lecture, took place at Cornell University in 2003. It allowed half the class unfettered access to laptops and the internet while the other half was required to keep their laptops closed and use a good old fashioned pen or pencil. The pen and pencil set did better on the post-lecture quiz. Since pop-up quizzes are not the best outcome measure, follow-up  HYPERLINK "https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0956797614524581" studies at Princeton and Berkeley used the same random assignment but provided the quiz a week later to give students time to review their notes. While the typists took more detailed and precise notes, they also preformed worse on the quiz. In short, the pen is mightier than the keyboard for nearly everyone. That said, some students do benefit from typing, and some students with disabilities or injuries may need to use such tech in the classroom even if only on a temporary basis. Therefore, the following rules will apply in this course; additional rules will be discussed and considered as a group on the first day of class. Rule 1: No cell phones are allowed out in class unless you are making an audio recording of the lecture, in which case you will need to place your phone up front on the desk. Besides removing temptation, you will get better audio quality from 5 feet than you will from 20. For what it is worth, I don't recommend this approach; you are better off taking hand written notes at the time rather than spending another 75 or 50 minutes listening to the whole class again later. It is a highly inefficient use of your time. Rule 2: As this class includes small group and paired discussion breakouts, I will occasionally insist on a complete screens down/off approach. You are meant to engage with each other during these times, not to take notes, check your email, or surf the web. Assignments There are four assignments for this class. First, an in-class midterm will be held on February 17th. The exam will consist of a single essay chosen from among 6 prompts (possible essay questions). Second, each student must submit an abstract and preliminary bibliography for the paper by Fenruary 28th. An abstract is a 250 word or less statement outlining the research question and the proposed thesis that answers this question. It should also briefly describe how this argument will be supported in terms of methodology (i.e., a case-study, large-N statistical model, ); both your methodology and data sources should be clearly conveyed. Students are strongly advised to review any journal, such as the American Political Science Review, that contains an abstract for each article. Such journals are available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org" www.jstor.org from any on-campus computer (or off-campus via library proxy); students need only read the abstract at the beginning of each article. After reading several, it will be obvious how to compose one yourself as they all follow the same basic pattern. The preliminary bibliography does not need to be annotated. This assignment will be used to approve your final paper topic. Third, an 8-10 page paper is due on April 20th. The topic of the paper is up to the individual student, however, it must in some way relate to the study of international political economy broadly defined. Basically, almost anything goes, and students are advised to pick something they are personally interested in learning more about. Finally, a final exam will be held during exam week on Thursday, April 30th from 1-3 PM, or as as rescheduled by the Registrars office; the Registrar has the final say as when the exam will be held. The entire  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/adaemics/schedules" academic calendar, including the HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/schedules/spring/exam_schedule.shtml"exam schedule, is available on-line. The final is not cumulative, and will consist of short-answer identifications, mutltiple choice, true/false, and matching questions; students will have a small degree of choice among the questions in each of the four sections. Assignment Weight Midterm Exam: 25% Abstract: 10% Paper: 40% Final Exam: 25% Grades The following grading system will be used, with plusses and minuses added: A Excellent work, papers (essays) are well written and argued with a clear thesis that is well supported throughout. Written work is clear, concise, and devoid of errors (grammatical, lack of citation). While all papers can be revised endlessly, no immediate, obvious or quick changes would improve the caliber of the work. Participation in class discussions is consistent and thoughtful. B Good overall, although could stand minor improvement in places. Arguments typically require slightly greater elaboration or support. Written work can be unclear or vague in places, either due to a lack of conceptual clarity, or simply a writing style that is difficult to follow at times. If given a fairly short amount of time to improve the paper, the student is likely capable of making the needed improvements in the limited time allotted. In other words, a major revision is not called for, but several, relatitvely quick improvements could be made. Class participation is good, although not as consistent or forthcoming as from other students in the class. C The work is acceptable, however, suffers from numerous shortcomings that detract from the overall effort. Arguments are often ill supported and typically vaguely explained. Written work could stand substantial revision and improvement for clarity, basic grammar, citation/reference requirements, and overall presentation. Active participation in class discussion is often minimal, though occasionally present. D The minimum acceptable level to receive credit. Written work is weakly presented in terms of both clarity and accessibility, meaning that it is often difficult to follow or determine just what is being argued. Little to no supporting evidence is presented, and there are often large leaps of logic that raise questions as to the students understanding of the concepts under discussion. Papers often reflect serious difficulties with written English, raising concerns about the students ability to successfully graduate from college without significant improvement. Despite these weaknesses, however, the effort rises above the level needed to receive credit for the assignment. F Failure to meet the standards expected of students at ҹAV. Final course grades reflect the weighted average of the assignments as listed above, and follow the universitys grade system as outlined in the course catalog. Extra-credit assignments are not offered on an individual basis. Barring a medical emergency or similar situation, no extensions will be granted on any assignment. Late assignments are docked half a letter grade (5 points) for each 24-hr period the assignment is late. No assignment will be accepted late after 10 days; a zero will be recorded instead. All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. All instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in at least a failed grade on the assignment, if not the entire course. All infractions are reported to the Dean for Student Academic Affairs for further disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from ҹAV University. The universitys policies related to academic integrity are list in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/catalog/undergrad/reg.shtml" catalog. All findings of academic misconduct are entered into a students university record and may be disclosed to graduate schools, state bar examiners, and others with a legitimate reason to inquire. The Abstract/Preliminary Bibliography, as well as the Final Paper, must be submitted (uploaded) to  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. A hard copy does not need to be turned in during class. A brief written grade report will be returned to each student through Sakai. A separate grade as well as comments on the oral presentation will be posted to Sakai prior to the final exam. The final paper should also be submitted (uploaded) to TURN-IT-IN, an on-line plagiarism testing service paid for by ҹAV; this service is accessible through Sakai. Since you will receive a report from TURN-IT-IN, you are encouraged to leave sufficient time to edit or correct your paper as needed prior to submitting your final copy. You will be able to modify your submission as long as Sakai is still accepting submissions for that assignment; resubmissions received after the due date will be considered late. Instructions for uploading your papers are available online HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/itrs/teachingwithtechnology/sakai/sakai-student-tutorials.shtml"here. Traveling athletes and those participating in other events as university representatives are reminded to provide me with a copy of their travel schedules and any conflicting tournaments as soon as they become available. Texts There are one required textbooks for this course, which is available in the campus bookstore. Electronic links to articles are accessible via an electronic version of this syllabus that will be posted on the course home page within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai, the universitys on-line storage system for course reserves. All readings marked (ERES) are available for download from as electronic reserves from within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. Links to other webpages are embedded in this syllabus, which again, can be downloaded. All readings marked either (JSTOR) or (Academic Search Premier) must be accessed from a ҹAV University server, either on-campus, or off-campus via a proxy. Please consult the  HYPERLINK "http://libraries.luc.edu/offcampus" library if you need help doing this. Required Texts: Krugman, Paul. 1997. Pop Internationalism. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-61133-6 Introduction Week 1: What is trade and why do we do it? 1/13/20 Course Introduction E-Liink (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Coughlin, Cletus. 2010. The Controversey over Free Trade: the gap between economists and the general public, in International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, 5th Ed. Jeffrey Frieden et al., New York: Norton, pp. 341-64. Recommended: not required (for use on the final paper assignment) E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"McNabb, David. 2008. Eight Steps in The Research Process, in Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: quantitative and qualitative methods, 2nd Ed. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 71-9. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"McNabb, David. 2004. Selecting a Research Topic, in Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: quantitative and qualitative methods, 2nd Ed. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 80-92. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Johnson, Janet Buttolph and H.T. Reynolds. 2004. Conducting a Literature Review, in Political Science Research Methods, 5th Ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, pp. 130-52. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Van Evra, Stephen. 1997. Hypotheses, Laws, and Theories: a users guide, in Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 7-48. I. Trade: the movement of goods across borders 1/15/20 Absolute, Comparative, and Competitive Advantages Chapters 1, 2, & 8 in Krugman Recommended: not required Chapters 5 & 6 in Krugman 1/17/20 Modeling the Affects of Trade E-LINK (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Rogowski, Ronald. 2000. Commerce and Coalitions: how trade affects domestic political alignments in International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, 4th Ed. Jeff Frieden and David Lake, Eds.. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, pp. 318-326.  Recommended: not required E-LINK (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Frieden, Jeffry and Ronald Rogowski. 1996. The Impact of the International Economy on National Policies: an analytic overview in Internationalization and Domestic Politics. Robert Keohane and Helen Milner, Eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 25-47. Week 2: Trade & Employment 1/20/20 No Class: University holiday 1/22/20 Trade, Wages, and Employment Chapter 3 in Krugman E-LINK (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Economist. 2016. The Politics of Anger. July 2, 2016, p. 9. E-LINK (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Freeman, Richard. 2000. Are Your Wages Being Set in Beijing? in International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, 4th Ed. Jeff Frieden and David Lake, Eds. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, pp. 343-352 Recommended: not required Chapters 4 & 12 in Krugman 1/24/20 Trade, Wages, and Employment continued E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "https://fee.org/articles/free-trade-isnt-killing-jobs/" Lemieux, Pierre. 2017. Free Trade Isnt Killing Jobs, Foundation for Economic Education, October 16, 2017.  E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2016/03/17/are-trade-agreements-good-for-americans" Schott, Jeffrey and Robert Scott. 2016. Are Trade Agreements Good for Americans? The Opinion Pages, the New York Times, March 17, 2016. On-line edition. Week 3: Creating and Killing Free Trade 1/27/20 The Advent of Free Trade E-LINK (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"James, Scott and David Lake. 1989. The Second Face of Hegemony: Britains repeal of the Corn Laws and the American Walker tariff of 1846. International Organization, 43(1): 1-29. 1/29/20 Managing Crises E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Gourevitch, Peter. 2000. International Trade, Domestic Coaliations, and Liberty: comparative responses to the crisis of 1873-1896, in International Political Economy, perspectives on global power and wealth, 4th Eds. Jeffrey Frieden and David Lake. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, pp. 90-108. 1/31/20 The Interwar Period E-LINK (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Eichengreen, Barry. 2000. The Political Economy of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff in International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, 4th Ed. Jeffry Fieden and David Lake, Eds. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, pp. 37-46. Week 4: Trade Organizations 2/3/20 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade E-Link (World Bank):  HYPERLINK http://www1.worldbank.org/economicpolicy/globalization/documents/r460.pdfDeardorff, Alan and Robert M. Stern. 2000. "What the Public Should Know about Globalization and the World Trade Organization," University of Michigan Discussion Paper No. 460, July 2000. 2/5/20 The World Trade Organization E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/business/wto-global-trade-tensions.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FWorld Trade Organization&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection" Ewing, Jack. 2018. Global Trade Tensions Boil Over at Staid W.T.O. Forum, New York Times, December 19, 2018. On-line edition. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Economist. 2018. Trade blockage, Economist, July 21, 2018, pp. 16-18. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Economist. 2018. A plan to save the WTO, Economist, July 21, 2018, pp. 9. E-Link (NY TIMES):  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/08/business/trump-trade-war-wto.html" Swanson, Ana. 2019. Trump Cripples WTO as Trade War Rages. NY Times, December 8, 2019, on-line edition. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2020/01/25/the-costs-of-americas-lurch-towards-managed-trade" Economist. 2020. Free Exchange: tearing up the rule book. Economist, January 25, 2020, pp. 64. 2/7/20 NAFTA (USMCA) & the European Union E-Link (Foreign Policy):  HYPERLINK "https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/01/trump-rebranding-trade-deal-nafta-usmca-mexico-canada/" Johnson, Keith. 2018. Is Trump Mainly Rebranding NAFTA?, Foreign Policy, October 1, 2018. On-line edition. E-Link (EU):  HYPERLINK "https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en" European Commission. 2018. The history of the European Union European Commission, EUROPA, on-line.  Week 5: Protectionism 2/10/20 The Logic of Protectionism E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Coughlin, Cletus et al. 1999. Protectionist Trade Policies: a survey of theory, evidence and rationale in Contending Perspectives in International Political Economy. Nikolaos Zahariadis, Ed. New York: Harcourt Brace, pp. 37-49. Recommended: not requrired E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Milner, Helen. 1988. The Argument, in Resisting Protectionism: global industries and the politics of international trade. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 18-44. 2/12/20 The Case of Agricultural Protection E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/4620068" Park, Jong Hee and Nathan Jensen. 2007. Electoral Competition and Agricultural Support in OECD Countries. American Journal of Political Science, 51(2): 314-29. 2/14/20 Outsourcing and Notions of National Security E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Prestowitz, Clyde. 2005. Serviced in India, in Three Billion New Capitalists: the great power shift of wealth and power to the East. New York: Basic Books, pp. 79-105. E-Link (NYT):  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/28/magazine/trade-war-tariffs-small-business.html" Lawson, Guy. 2018. The American Casualties of Trumps Trade War. NY Times, November 28, 2018, on-line edition. Week 6: Banking for Development 2/17/20 MIDTERM EXAM II. International Finance: the movement of capital across borders 2/19/20 The World Bank E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Schaefer, Brent D. 2000. The World Bank in The Bretton Woods Institutions: History and Reform Proposals, Economic Freedom Project Report #00-01. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, pp. 17-40. 2/21/20 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Economist. 2016. "Our Bulldozers, Our Rules." July 2, 2016, p. 37-8. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Economist. 2016. "The Infrastructure of Power." July 2, 2016, p. 66. Week 7: The Financial Fire Department 2/24/20 The International Monetary Fund E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Corden, W. Max. 2001. The World Financial Crisis: are the IMF Prescriptions Right? in The Political Economy of International Financial Crisis: interest groups, ideologies, and institutions. Shale Horowitz and Uk Hero, Eds. Oxford: Rowman Littlefield, pp. 41-61.  E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Schaefer, Brent D. 2000. The International Monetary Fund in The Bretton Woods Institutions: History and Reform Proposals, Economic Freedom Project Report #00-01. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, pp. 41-65. 2/26/19 The Mexican Peso and Asian Financial Crises E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Stiglitz, Joseph. 2003. The East Asia Crisis: how IMF policies brought the world to the verge of a global meltdown in Globalization and Its Discontents. New York: Norton, pp. 89-132. 2/28/20 The Question of Bail Outs: the case of Greece E-Link (Economist):  HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/special-report/2011/11/12/a-very-short-history-of-the-crisis" Economist. 2011. A very short history of the crisis, Economist, November 12, 2011. E-Link (Chicago):  HYPERLINK "https://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/anil.kashyap/research/papers/A-Primer-on-the-Greek-Crisis_june29.pdf" Kashyap, Anil. 2015. A Primer on the Greek Crisis: the things you need to know from the start until now. University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. June 29, 2015. Abstract of Final Paper and Preliminary Bibliography Week 8: SPRING BREAK 3/2/20 NO CLASS 3/4/20 NO CLASS 3/6/20 NO CLASS Week 9: Development 3/9/20 Globalization and Development E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Lairson, Thomas and David Skidmore. 2017. Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality, in International Political Economy: the struggle for power and wealth in a globalizing world. New York: Routledge, pp. 189-230. 3/11/20 Intitial Post-War Strategies: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Lairson, Thomas and David Skidmore. 2003. Stategies of Southern Trade and Development, in International Political Economy: the struggle for power and wealth, 3rd Ed. Belmont: Thompson, pp. 265-312. 3/13/20 Multinational Corporations & Foreign Direct Investment E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/3877872" Kosack, Stephen and Jennifer Tobin. 2006. Funding Self-Sustaining Development: the role of aid, FDI and government in economic success. International Organization, 60(1): 205-43. Week 10: Debt, Theft, and Fraud 3/16/20 The Third World Debt Crisis E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Lairson, Thomas and David Skidmore. 2003. Third World Det and North-South Finance, in International Political Economy: the struggle for power and wealth, 3rd Ed. Belmont: Thompson, pp. 373-418. 3/18/20 The 2008 Financial Crisis E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Krugman, Paul. 2009. Banking in the Shadows, in The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. New York: W.W. Norton, pp. 153-64. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Krugman, Paul. 2009. The Sum of All Fears, in The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. New York: W.W. Norton, pp. 165-80. E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/14/opinion/14trillin.html" Trillin, Calvin. 2009. Wall Street Smarts. The New York Times, October 14, 2009, A31. E-Link (Fiscal Times):  HYPERLINK "http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2015/11/11/Here-s-Why-GOP-Can-t-Stop-Talking-ҹAV-Gold-Standard" Garver, Rob. 2015. Heres Why the GOP Cant Stop Talking ҹAV the Gold Standard. The Fiscal Times, November 11, 2015, on-line editon. 3/20/20 Intellectual Property Rights E-Link (web: World Bank):  HYPERLINK "http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTRANETTRADE/Resources/Pubs/IPRs-book.pdf" Maskus, Keith, Sean Dougherty, and Andrew Mertha. 2005. Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development in China, in Intellectual Property and Development: Lessons from Recent Economic Research. Carsten Fink and Keith Maskus, Eds. Washington D.C.: The World Bank and Oxford University Press, pp. 295-331. - note: you will be downloading the entire report (354 pages), but are only responsible for Chapter 12. III. Migration: the movement of people across borders Weekk 11: The Grass Is Greener? 3/23/20 States, Citizenship, and Migration E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/30044348" Benhabib, Seyla. 2005. Borders, Boundaries, and Citizenship. PS: Political Science and Politics, 38(4): 673-7. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Howard, Marc Morje. 2006. Comparative Citizenship: an agenda for cross-national research. Perspectives on Politics, 4(3), 443-55. 3/25/20 Why do People Migrate? E-link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Castle, Stephen and Mark Miller. 1998. The Migration Process and the Formation of Ethnic Minorities, in The Age of Migration, 2nd Ed. New York: Guilford Press. pp. 18-42. 3/27/20 Arguments Against Increased Immigration E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Moses, Jonathan. 2006. Who Opposes Free Migration? in International Migration: globalizations last frontier. New York, Zed Books, pp. 136-63. Week 12: Brains on the Move 3/30/20 Arguments For Increased Immigration E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/25054038"Joppke, Christian. 1998. Why Liberal States Accept Unwanted Immigration. World Politics, 50(2): 266-93. 4/1/20 Hunting for Talent E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Kapur, Devsh and John McHale. 2005. The International Competition for Talent in Give Us Your Best and Brightest: the global hunt for talent and its impact on the developing world. Washington DC: Center for Global Development, pp. 36-58. 4/3/20 The Brain Drain E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Commander, Simon et al. 2004. The Brain Drain: curse or boom? a survey of the literature in Challenges to Globalization: analyzing the economics. Robert Baldwin and L. Alan Winters, Eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 235-78. Week 13: Temporary Immigration 4/6/20 Guest Work Programs E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/2545854" Castle, Stephen. 1985. The Guests Who Stayed the debate on foreigners policy in the German Federal Republic. International Migration Review, 19(3): 517-34. 4/8/20 Guest Worker Programs in the US E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "https://www.jstor.org/stable/2545747"Briggs, Vernon. 1986. The "Albatross" of Immigration Reform: Temporary Worker Policy in the United States. International Migration Review, 20(4): 995-1019. E-Link (UCSD):  HYPERLINK "http://www.ccis-ucsd.org/PUBLICATIONS/wrkg11.PDF" Usdansky, Margaret and Thomas Espenshade. 2000. The H-1B Visa Debate in Historical Perspective: the evolution of U.S. policy toward foreign-born workers. CCIS Working Papers No. 11, May 2000. 4/10/20 No Class: University Holiday Week 14: Illegal Immigration 4/13/20 No Class: University Holiday 4/15/20 Illegal Immigration E-Link (CQ Press):  HYPERLINK "http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre2005050600&action=delfav&time=1162526912160&" Katel, Peter. 2005. Do illegal workers help or hurt the economy? May 6, 2005. CQ Researcher, 15(17): on-line edition. 4/17/20 Illegal Immigraiton: continued E-Link (JSTOR): HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/586489"Hood, M.V. and Irwin Moss. 1998. Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, But Makes Sure They Have a Green Card: the effects of documented and undocumented migrant context on Anglo opinion toward immigration. Political Behavior, 20(1): 1-15. Week 15: Refugees, Asylum, and Human Trafficking 4/20/20 Amnesty, Asylum and Human Rights E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0197-9183%28198923%2923%3A3%3C526%3AILAHRT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Q" Goodwin-Gill, Guy. 1989. International Law and Human Rights: trends concerning international migrants and refugees. International Migration Review, 23(3): 526-46. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "http://pittcat.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=rbSearch" Perez, Miguel. 2002. Resident illegal immigrants should be given amnesty, in Illegal Immigration: opposing viewpoints. William Dudley, Ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, pp. 120-3. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "http://pittcat.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=rbSearch" Feder, Don. 2002. Illegal immigrants should not be given amnesty, in Illegal Immigration: opposing viewpoints. William Dudley, Ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, pp. 124-7. FINAL PAPERS DUE (submit/upload to SAKAI) 4/22/20 Human Trafficking E-Link (Academic Search Premier):  HYPERLINK "http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/results?vid=3&hid=105&sid=ecb3ca97-0730-4439-80a3-107e82ba9354%40sessionmgr105" Van Impe, Kristof. 2000. People for Sale: The Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach towards Human Trafficking. International Migration, 38(3): 113-31. E-Link (web via proxy):  HYPERLINK "http://www.springerlink.com/content/2a563j6mlqn3/?p=596a9d1c9d2b45c0bf5349f23dd5660b&pi=9" Aronowitz, A. 2001. Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: the phenomenon, the markets that drive it and the organizations that promote it. 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